Top Ten PlayStation 3 (PS3) Games of 2007

2. Half-Life 2: The Orange Box - Best Value of the Year

Let's see, for the price of one game you get five, and each one is stellar. Yeah, that happens every so... well never.

Half-Life 2: The Orange Box includes:

  • Half-Life 2 - full edition
  • Hale-Life 2: Episode One
  • Half Life 2: Episode 2
  • Portal
  • Team Fortress 2
The Half-Life branded games alone are more than worth the price of admission, especially if you missed them the first time around. Portal is this year's watercooler game, the one everyone is talking about. Team Fortress 2 proves that you can have serious multiplayer fun without having the dark mutants gone wild look of most online first person shooters.

The Orange Box is fun on so many levels that it was a strong contender for Game of the Year. Rated: Mature

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